About AARC
The American Affluence Research Center was established in 2001 to serve businesses and organizations targeting the luxury market and affluent consumers. Focusing on the wealthiest 10% of U.S. households, based on net worth, as defined by the research of The Federal Reserve Board, AARC has conducted over 30 surveys of America’s wealthiest households.
The American Affluence Research Center is somewhat unique in that it emphasizes the wealthiest 10% of U.S. households, based on net worth, rather than the more common criteria of income, which research shows to be a less stable indicator of wealth.
AARC is also unique as a source of mailing lists because it has used research surveys to validate and refine formulas for identifying the affluent in a highly targeted and accurate manner that corresponds to data from the Federal Reserve Board.
About Ron Kurtz, President
Ron has over twenty years of experience in general management and senior marketing positions in the airline, cruise, and hotel industries. In 1989 he established The Management Resource Group, which has provided strategic planning and interim management services to such clients as Merrill Lynch, Philip Morris, The Home Shopping Network, Celebrity Cruises, and others involved in the hospitality and travel industries. Kurtz has specialized in and researched the affluent market since 1982, when he became the founding President of Sea Goddess Cruises. Kurtz holds a BBA from The University of Texas and an MBA from The Harvard Graduate School of Business.
He is the author of the book “Market Research: Strategy and Techniques”. And his latest book is FAST START to CAREER SUCCESS – Making the most of Your First Job: An Executive’s Advice to His Children; 36 Tips You Did NOT Learn in School.