Custom Mailing Lists For Your Exclusive Use
Typical list vendors, who may sell the same list to several clients, usually limit the description of their lists of the affluent to such phrases as high net worth, high income, millionaires, etc. and/or may suggest a zip code focus that is believed to be associated with certain psychographic and lifestyle attributes that are connected with wealth.
We create custom lists of the affluent, all with home address and full name of the individual (no trusts, partnerships, corporations, etc.) to meet the individual requirements and specifications of each of our clients.
Name lists can be developed to match the profile of your target consumers by specifying levels of wealth (defined by net worth and/or income) combined with such attributes as age, gender, various life style and recreation interests, and geography (state, county, metro area, or zip code).
If you tell us the wealth and other attributes you want to target and the geographic area that you want to cover, we can tell you how many records we have that match your specifications.
Our lists are priced on the basis of level of wealth and quantity purchased. The following four wealth segments are defined to be consistent with the latest Federal Reserve Board Survey of Consumer Finance.
Wealthiest 10% Database This is a research-validated national file of over 1,000,000 affluent households that have a minimum net worth of $1 million.
Wealthiest 5% Database As part of the wealthiest 10% database, this file includes 500,000 households that have a minimum net worth of $2 million.
Wealthiest 1% Database This file of 100,000 records consists of households that have a minimum net worth of $10 million, placing them among the wealthiest 1% in the country.
Wealthiest 1/2% Database As part of the wealthiest 1% database, this file of 30,000 records consists of households that have a minimum net worth of $20 million, placing them among the top half percent of all US households. The database contains numerous recognizable names from the fields of sports, entertainment, and business, including names from the Forbes list of 400 richest Americans.
We have a minimum order of $350 that can be paid by check or credit card. Full advance payment is required for orders of $1,000 or less. For larger orders, we require a 50% deposit. Records are delivered on-line in Excel format. Lists may be used an unlimited number of times for 12 months from date of purchase.
For Pricing Information Click Here
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