by Ron | May 16, 2009 | Affluence Research, Cruises, Press Releases, Vacations
A record low level of cruise purchases by wealthy consumers is suggested by the most recent survey in a series of twice-yearly studies that began in Spring 2002. Negative attitudes about the current economy and the economic outlook for the next 12 months are...
by Ron | Apr 21, 2009 | Affluence Research, Home Purchases & Remodeling, Press Releases, Vacation Homes, Vacations
The potential market for vacation homes, including full ownership and private residence and destination clubs, has declined substantially from 2007 levels, reflecting losses in net worth and a negative 12-month outlook for the economy and personal income among the...
by Ron | Oct 28, 2008 | Affluence Research, Cruises, Luxury Defined, Luxury Market & Goods, Press Releases, Vacations
In the latest of the twice yearly surveys of the most affluent 10% of US households by The American Affluence Research Center, the respondents were asked to specify the most they could imagine spending for 37 different products and services if they were to purchase...
by Ron | Oct 27, 2008 | Affluence Research, Cruises, Press Releases, Vacations
In the latest survey of the most affluent 10% of US households by The American Affluence Research Center, only 14% of the respondents indicated plans to cruise during the next 12 months. This is the same as the level recorded in the Spring 2008 survey and effectively...
by Ron | Oct 23, 2008 | Affluence Research, Luxury Defined, Luxury Market & Goods, Press Releases, Travel, Vacations
In the latest of the twice yearly surveys of the most affluent 10% of US households by The American Affluence Research Center, the respondents were asked to specify the most they could imagine spending for 37 different products and services if they were to purchase...