Previous AARC in the News
Printemps Puts Focus on Tourism with Hotel-Themed Campaign
July 2018 –This article from Luxury Daily discusses how with this summer’s “Printemps Palace†campaign, the French retailer has teamed with local hotels to showcase Parisian-style travel – which makes this campaign an opportunity to showcase to both...
Marriott Adds Alexa to Make Guests’ Stays More Convenient
June 2018 –This article from Luxury Daily discusses Marriott International introducing Amazon’s new Alexa for Hospitality artificial intelligence platform in select luxury hotels. ( By Sarah Ramirez...
Hong Kong’s Art Basel Brings Luxury Brands from Around the World
March 2018 –This article from Luxury Daily discusses how the Art Basel event in Hong Kong is a perfect spot for luxury brands to engage with potential consumers due to the congregation of the world’s wealthy elite and art collectors....
Travel and Hospitality – Luxury Memo Special Report
August 2017 –This article from Luxury Daily discusses the changes in the luxury travel industry due to people spending more on experiences and less on tangible products. ( By...
What Luxury Marketers Should Expect in 2016
January 2016 –This article from Luxury Daily discusses the views of some researchers about the 2016 spending plans of the affluent.  ( Over the course of 2015, the economy showed...
Survey of Millionaires Identifies Both Luxury And Mainstream Brand Preferences, Sales Opportunities
October, 2015 – This article from The Centurion (Info Hub for Prestige Jewelers) discusses the sales opportunities indicated by the jewelry brand survey results in the Fall 2015 Millionaire...
BMW Expands Golf Tournament Events to Reach Wide Audience
June 2015 –This article from Luxury Daily discusses how BMW, the official sponsor of Germany’s BMW International Open, is adding events to reach a wider audience. ( By...
The Digital Mystique: All Smoke and Mirrors?
May, 2015 – This article from Target Marketing discusses how mass media vehicles (like digital) tend to drive a high volume of leads, but they're of low quality (they don't convert) while targeted media (like direct mail) drives a low volume of leads but they're of...
Fall in Love With Direct Mail All Over Again
April, 2015 – This article from Target Marketing discusses the fact that even digital natives prefer to read in print rather than digital, which is one of several reasons why direct mail out performs social media in most tests. ( For brands...
Paying Tribute to Thomas Stanley and His ‘Millionaire Next Door’
March, 2015 – This article from discusses Dr. Thomas J. Stanley, whose research was the basis of the book, 'The Millionaire Next Door'. Though many marketers seem to be unaware or have forgotten, the lessons in that book still hold. I was sad to...